All-in-One Case Management System

Specifically designed for Addiction Treatment, Substance Misuse, Supported Living & Residential Care Homes

We help streamline your organisation

GreenShoots Client Records

Client records in one place

Designed to support staff and follow the entire client journey. All client records are in one place and is easily searchable.

GreenShoots Client Case Notes

Client Case Notes

Type, voice record or upload documents & photos, case notes are created your way. Easily search and download case notes.

GreenShoots Forms Functionality

Care Plans, Risk Assessments & More!

We ensure all of your paperwork is fully integrated into GreenShoots so you can continue using your own trusted templates.

GreenShoots Case Management System

Designed to support staff and follow the entire client journey.

We build in your existing risk assessment, care plan & assessment forms enabling you to get up and running quickly and enabling your support workers and practitioners to use forms they know and trust.

Care planning made easy

Electronic Medication (eMar) & Administration

Create Prescriptions, with automatic pharmacy ordering, create medication administration record sheets and track stock.

Audit & Track Interactions

Whenever staff complete a form, carry out a handover, or a group therapy session, a copy of the case notes can be automatically recorded on the clients case record.

Client Payment & Contributions

Easily accept credit/debit card payments, track client treatment contributions and produce financial reports.

Control Access

Easily restrict or grant access to client profiles and specific client data, via staff user groups and permissions. Integrate with Microsoft Azure/Entra

Risk Management & Reviews

Risk Assessments are completed for each individual client within the GreenShoots platform, with review dates automatically added to staff and client calendars.

NDTMS & NHS DCB0129 Compliant

Security and data compliance was built into GreenShoots on day one and remains one of our most important features.

Client Reporting

Generate customised reports for clients, highlighting interactions, quantity of group therapy sessions, and overall outcomes.

Monitor & Track Outcomes

Explore visual graphs and retrieve raw data effortlessly. Effectively monitor referrals and client support needs.

Outcome Star Creation

One click reporting and dashboards showing real time data and Outcome Star metrics.

We’re here to help you

Telephone and Email support, provided by a knowledgeable round-the-clock support team

Automate Discharge Summaries

Easily & quickly generate medical discharge summaries, ready for Medical & Counselling team sign-off

Store Files

Store all of your patient’s scans, letters, emails and any other type of files. Drag and drop files into client records and upload them all at once.

GreenShoots Case Management System

GreenShoots is perfect for organisations, just like yours.

GreenShoots is in use by a large number of drug & alcohol addiction treatment centres, community substance misuse, supported housing and care providers across the country and we can arrange visits to see how other treatment centres, support workers, care practitioners and senior management teams benefit from GreenShoots.

Let’s book a demo?

We will empower you to streamline and systemise your organisation, enabling you to focus on caring for your clients.